August 14, 2018 NB Forest Strategy a Welcome Step for Conservation – Looking Forward to Action on Protected Areas
July 17, 2018 Annual Parks Report outlines roadmap for meeting land and freshwater protection targets in New Brunswick and across Canada
February 28, 2018 CPAWS celebrates “historic investment” in nature conservation in Federal Budget 2018
June 7, 2017 CPAWS expresses concern about Canada’s approach to Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures
November 17, 2016 Consultation publique sur la proposition des sentiers pour la motoneige dans Mont Carleton
November 26, 2015 Des groupes et des scientifiques demander une nouvelle loi sur les terres et forêts de la Couronne
November 26, 2015 Groups join with scientists and academics to call for new Crown Lands and Forests Act
September 10, 2015 Parks groups concerned about potential harm to Mount Carleton by proposed snowmobile trail
September 10, 2015 Des dommages potentiels que pourrait causer le sentier de motoneige proposé au Mont Carleton
July 13, 2015 New Brunswick lagging behind other parts of Canada on wilderness protection: CPAWS report