CWSP Activities 2022-23
About the Canadian Wilderness Stewardship Program
For the fourth year, CPAWS NB staff are excited to host volunteers from across the province to take part in the Canadian Wilderness Stewardship Program (CWSP). As Wilderness Ambassadors, these volunteers will join together in activities throughout the summer, fall and winter months, including a guided wilderness expedition, local conservation volunteer work, national webinars, and a networking Summit at the end of the program!
Throughout the program, with guidance from CPAWS NB staff, the youth develop projects that highlight the importance of protecting land and water in New Brunswick. Projects showcase each participant’s unique passion for conservation, and demonstrate the work being done in their communities to become ambassadors for wild spaces.
This year’s wilderness expedition

This year the CWSP program commenced with a wilderness excursion in the Passamaquoddy Region of the Bay of Fundy. The group met first in St. Andrew’s where the youth participants went on a whale watching tour. The group saw an amazing amount of wildlife, including lots of finback whales, grey seals and many cormorants.
After the tour, the group travelled by ferry to Deer Island, where they got to learn about the importance of Leave No Trace principles while camping, before setting up camp, and cooking a meal over the fire. For some youth, it was their first-time camping in Canada.
The following day, the group went sea-kayaking around the West Isles with guide Bruce Smith of Seascape Kayaking. Though it poured rained while the youth were getting their instruction, they all finished the day with smiles on their faces.
Throughout the weekend, CPAWS NB staff and local guides, spoke with the group about the rich ecosystems existing in the Bay of Fundy, and the need for increased protection.

What happens now?
Back at home, the youth are now working on their community service projects and are taking part in a series of webinars organized by CPAWS NB staff to gain new skills to help them develop and implement their project ideas. The Wilderness Ambassadors dedicate 120 hours of volunteer time to the program, and we are excited to support them in their journeys.
Banner Photo: Corrine Donovan