Ten Things to do in 2021 to Protect NB Wilderness
As we turn more and more to nature, we need to make sure it is protected now and into the future. Start your 2021 off right by joining CPAWS NB as we protect our wilderness and natural spaces. Here are 10 things you can do:
1. Help Us Keep The Momentum Going: Last year we called on you, our supporters, to take action and let the provincial government know that they needed to increase New Brunswick’s protected areas. At the time, NB had the worst record in Canada for protecting nature, with less than 5% of the province protected.

Your voices were heard – the government committed to protecting 10% of NB’s nature! There’s still work to do! Your voice needs to be heard on how New Brunswick gets protected – write a letter now to hold the government to their promise.
2. Learn About Traditional Lands: Do you know what Indigenous lands you live on, or which Indigenous communities might be protecting your favorite natural areas? The Native Lands interactive map allows you to search the address of your home, or local park, and better understand the land we share. Learn more about local Indigenous groups and treaties in your area, and how you can be a part of their work to protect nature.
3. Volunteer: The COVID 19 Pandemic has meant that much of our volunteer work is being done online, so no matter where you are in the Province you can volunteer with CPAWS-NB. Interested in being a board member? What about helping with translation? Do you like to write? Why not write a blog article, submit or take photos, and help with our chapter newsletter? Email our Conservation Outreach Coordinator to sign up to volunteer this year!

4. Explore Our Parks: This year get out and discover a National Park, a Provincial Park or a protected area you haven’t been to yet in NB. While there, remember that you are a visitor, and it’s someone else’s home, so please leave no trace. To learn more about how you can reduce your impact on nature while you are camping, skiing, snowshoeing or hiking, visit leavenotrace.ca.
5. Nominate an Area for Protection: At CPAWS NB we are very enthusiastic about the Province of New Brunswick’s project to protect substantially more of our cherished natural areas.
Learn more about the government’s approach to choosing new protected and conserved natural areas, and how they want to hear from you about your special spaces! Go to gnb.ca/naturelegacy and have your say on new protected and conserved natural areas in the province by submitting a nomination.
6. iNaturalist App: Have you heard about the iNaturalist App? A great companion for learning more about the nature around you…and it fits in your pocket, so you can always carry it with you! Use it to identify new-to-you species or upload your own observations. It can be downloaded for both Android and Apple
7. Tell the Federal Government You Want a Green Recovery: The federal government is about to give the Canadian economy a multi-billion-dollar kick-start in an effort to recover from the COVID-19 crisis. CPAWS has joined environmental groups across Canada for One Earth One Voice – a campaign to rally our supporters to urge the federal government to prioritize a Green Recovery.
Right now, we have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to rebuild a society that is better for our health, the economy, and nature. Send a letter to the Cabinet of Canada and your Member of Parliament to demand a Green Recovery for Canada!
8. Pitch In: Trash isn’t just ugly to look at, it’s also harmful. Birds and other animals can trap their heads in plastic rings. Fish can get stuck in nets. Plus, trash pollutes everyone’s natural spaces and our living systems. Next time you are out in nature put trash in its place, or take a plastic bag along with you, to help do your part!

9. Make the most of the Winter Season: Looking for new ways to explore and appreciate New Brunswick’s Wilderness? Why not try a new winter activity and make some fun memories with friends and family! Check out Fundy National Park and Kouchibouguac National Park for Fat Bike, Snowshoe and Cross-Country Ski rentals or take advantage of their winter camping opportunities. With cabin, yurt and tent options there is something for everyone!
10. Donate to CPAWS NB: Your financial support makes our work possible … and we make it go a long way! CPAWS spends 70% of each dollar on conservation and education. When you make a donation of $30 or more, you will receive a tax receipt, two issues per year of our information-packed national newsletter, two CPAWS – NB Chapter newsletters and CPAWS Annual Report. Click here and give back to nature!
Banner image by Justin Dutcher