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Vote for Nature in New Brunswick



On October 21, 2024, New Brunswickers will be heading to the polls to elect our next government. This is an opportunity for citizens to help set the agenda for the coming years, to find those candidates who share our concerns and who will act on them.

Surveys show that maintaining a healthy environment is very important to New Brunswickers and an overwhelming majority support increasing conservation measures across the landscape and our waters. 

It is critical that New Brunswick’s next government sets clear goals and takes ambitious action to prioritize conservation to protect communities and wildlife. New Brunswickers need to know their government will create a comprehensive plan to halt and reverse nature loss.

How Can You Help?

1. When candidates knock on your door, ask them whether they support more nature conservation in our province and how they will act on it. We have prepared questions you can ask – just download this pdf  (for French, here).

2. Show your support for nature conservation and your intent to vote for nature by taking the Vote for Nature Pledge below. You will get the option to share your Pledge on socials!

3. On October 21 (or earlier at advance polls), cast your vote for nature by supporting a candidate that has nature protection in their platform! 


Take the Vote for Nature Pledge